Bear Stalker DVD

Bear Stalker DVD

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Quick Overview

Bear Stalker DVD

Quick Overview

Bear Stalker is full of some amazing black bear hunting action for you. 85 minutes of black bear hunting, lots of bears, lots of stalks, some as close as five feet from the hunter. Some where you will wonder how the hunter couldn't or didn't shoot. More bears than the average hunter will see in a lifetime of hard bear hunting.

We will join with expert bear hunters Dave Benitz and Mike Miller, each with different techniques that help them be successful in the areas that they hunt. These are methods and techniques that can help any bear hunter become a better hunter. We have many bear stalks with bowhunters, some with great shots, some where we never get a shot or maybe just a miss. You will see it all just as we see it. You'll see bears from the Alaskan coast to the Arizona and New Mexico deserts. Most are big bear that easily make Pope and Young, with bowhunters that are both excited and tired. We'll go on rifle hunts, where we spot bears at a mile and stalk within shooting distance. These are hunts that bear hunters dream about.

Join us, all fair chase, mostly public lands.

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