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California Houndsmen for Conservation (CHC)

California Houndsmen for Conservation (CHC)


Quick Overview

Since 1972, California Houndsmen for Conservation (CHC) has been fighting to preserve, protect, and promote the sport of hound hunting. The threats we face-posed by increased urbanization and anti-hunting sentiment, efforts to close access to public property, and restrict the ownership of dogs-are certainly daunting, but with the help from good folks such as yourself, we are confident we can overcome these challenges. CHC has incorporated a multi-faceted strategy to not only defend our sport, but to create new opportunities for California’s hound hunting community.

Legislative/Regulatory Lobbying and Electioneering

  • CHC and its affiliates have successfully lobbied to defeat efforts to ban bear and bobcat hunting (SB67 and AB342) and dove hunting (AB1190) in California, bear hunting with dogs in Maine (LD628), and efforts to mandate the surgical sterilization of hunting dogs (AB1634) in California.
  • CHC fought hard against SB1221(Outlaw of use of hounds to pursuit bears and bobcats in California)
  • CHC has introduced a bill AB2205 in 2014 that would allow counties of the state to permit bear and bobcat hunting within its county boundaries.
  • CHC and its affiliates have sponsored legislation or regulatory modifications that would:
  1. Criminalize the removal of a hunting dog’s collar and require compensation for removal.
  2. Require funds generated from the sale of species-specific tags be spent for those species.
  3. Prevent cities and counties from passing ordinances that would prohibit hunting activities already provided for within existing Fish and Wildlife laws.
  • CHC provides testimony during Fish & Game Commission hearings and California Senate and Assembly wildlife-related committee meetings.
  • CHC meets with CADFW regarding the use of dog recovery equipment, dog control zone boundaries, and restrictions to the number of dogs during deer season.
  • CHC participates in the quarterly Fish and Wildlife Resource Committee meetings.

Youth, Public, and Hound Hunting Community Outreach

  • CHC hosts this website, and advertises hunting events, lost and found dogs, and legislation of interest to the hound hunting community.
  • CHC is aligned with national organizations dedicated to the protection of gun rights, hunters, pet owners, hound hunting, and all sporting dogs.


  • CHC oversees the Sportsman’s Political Victory Fund (SPVF) to defeat anti-hunting efforts.
  • CHC hosts annual fundraising banquets twice a year with our partner, North Central California Houndsmen,and other many other houndsmen organizations from around the state to generate funds for SPVF.
  • CHC established the Trailblazer matching grant fundraiser to generate funds for SPVF.

While you may already be a member of your local hound hunting club, and you certainly should be, this membership does not entitle you to membership with CHC. For less than the cost of a single tank of gas, you can join the ranks of the countless men and women throughout the state and across the nation who have stepped forward to fight to protect the sport they love and the lifestyle they enjoy. As an annual member of CHC, you will receive:

  • CHC’s quarterly newsletter, The Track and Trail Tribune*
  • Yearly subscription to Bear Hunting magazine*
  • CHC T-shirt or hat (Add $8.00 to cover shipping)*
  • Pride and satisfaction in knowing that you are providing tangible contributions to protecting an American Tradition and preserving hound hunting for yourself, your family and many generations to come.
  • *to be fulfilled by CHC


All memberships are subject to approval by CHC.


Double U is only accepting Membership's and donations behalf of Double U's Customer base.    Double U LLC supports Hound hunting and Hunting with dogs,  however Double U LLC does not endorse any specific decision or statement from any organization.  Please respect that any opinions and or statement from these associations and clubs may not be the same as Double U.  By purchasing this product you agree to hold Double U free from liabilities. In the event of any legal Judgment against Double U compensation requested from Double U shall not exceed $1


All membership benefits and products to be fulfilled by the club/organization/association

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