Garmin Astro DC50 Product Suport Page
Garmin Astro DC50 Product Support Page
Garmin Software Versions
If you ever have an issue with one of your Garmin devices, one of the first things the Double U team is going to ask is "Is your device updated?" If you're not sure, it's always good practice to check your device for an update via Garmin Express or Garmin Webupdater. For devices such as the Alpha 200/200i, Alpha 10... -
Locating the Serial Number on Your Garmin Tracking Equipment
When you call Double U with a broken Garmin item, the first thing we'll ask for is its serial number. Using this, we can check the item's purchase date and warranty status, or if out of warranty give a customer discount if the item was purchased from us. On Alpha handhelds, this will be located under the battery. The serial... -
How to: Pair a DC50 With an Alpha 100 Handheld
The DC50 collar has been discontinued by Garmin and is now only available used. However many houndsmen, especially those hunting with a buddy or in a group with mixed systems, still have fully functioning DC50 collars they would like to continue using in the field. Officially, DC50 units are considered incompatible with Alpha 100 and Alpha 200i handhelds as they... -
What is my Current Garmin Software Version?
Many issues with Garmin products can be troubleshot with software updates. Click here to find out if you're up-to-date, -
Tracking a DC50 collar with an Alpha
The DC50 collar has been discontinued by Garmin and is now only available used. However many houndsmen, especially those hunting with a buddy or in a group with mixed systems, still have fully functioning DC50 collars they would like to continue using in the field. Officially, DC50 units are considered incompatible with Alpha 100 and Alpha 200i handhelds as they... -
How to Fix a Solid Red Light on a DC50
If you have a solid red light on your DC50, hold down the power button for 20 seconds. This should set your collar back to normal. -
How to add a DC50 to the Astro 320:
(Make sure that no other collars are within 10 feet of the Astro) From your main menu select Dog List. On your Dog List, select Add Dog. The next screen will ask you if you can touch your dog collar to the Astro 320, select Yes. The next screen will prompt you to touch the collar to the handheld. Go... -
How To: Adjust the Track Length of your Collar using a Astro 320 or Astro 430
Starting at your Map screen on you Astro 320, or Astro 430 press the Menu button and select Setup Dogs. Select “Dog Track Length on Map” and select how long you would like tracks from your T5, or DC50 collar (Or DC40, and DC30) to stay on the screen before they disappear, you can also select off which will keep... -
How to find out if Rescue Mode is Enabled on the Garmin DC50:
If you would like to confirm that rescue mode is turned on, on your DC50, you would do this through “Identify Dog Unit” Step 1: Go to your Dog list on your Garmin Astro 320 and select the dog you want to check. (Press Enter) Step 2: Select Show Info and Press enter Step 3: Press the menu button Step... -
How to Turn On and Off Rescue Mode on the DC50:
Press the Dog button twice on your Astro 320 to get to Dog List, select the collar you wish to change the rescue mode on. Next select show info and this will bring up the info page. Next hit the Menu button and select Rescue Mode. Select On or Off, you will then get the communicating with dog...