Your Alpha 200i is amazingly versatile in its ability to train, but few users are aware of how functional and easy to use the unit really is. Begin to explore your device, and you can begin to utilize the training buttons on the side to quickly navigate between dog training and the 200i's many applications.

To start, head from your main menu to Training Setup > Training Keys

You will notice all of your keys in this page. Map, Dog Tracker, and Mark Waypoint are just three useful shortcuts to add to the top.

If you have TT15X or TT15 dog collars added to your Alpha 200i device, you can set up training functions here.

Select + Add Item Here

To add a training command, select the name of the dog you wish to establish commands for, select a training function, and intensity.

M for Momentary Correction

C for Continuous Correction

T for Tone

V for Vibrate

You can also use the training keys to navigate quickly through your Garmin Alpha 200 or 200i's menu functions.

For example, you can set the buttons at the top to Zoom In, Zoom Out, and Toggle Data Broadcast. Other useful shortcuts include Toggle Screen Lock, Toggle BirdsEye Imagery, Toggle Recording, Adjust Backlight, and InReach for Alpha 200i users with an active subscription.

You can fully customize these training buttons to create a training bar that is most tactically beneficial for you, and use the side buttons to scroll through multiple menus on the fly.