
  1. Which Track and Train Handheld is Right for Me?

    Which Track and Train Handheld is Right for Me?
    Imagine that you're new to the world of dog tracking. Or maybe you're in the market for a new system and it's been awhile since you've needed to shop for new gear. Perhaps you just won a TT15X collar in a raffle and while it pairs to your old Astro, you can't make use of its training functions, and you're...
  2. Garmin TT15X vs TT15

    Garmin TT15X vs TT15
    The rumors have been circulating for quite some time now, and it’s finally here. The Garmin TT15X Tracking and Training collar has just arrived, and it’s sure to make houndsmen happy. Time to go over a few of the new features hunters will see, what has stayed the same, and what excites us the most about this new and improved...
  3. Tracking a DC50 collar with an Alpha

    The DC50 collar has been discontinued by Garmin and is now only available used. However many houndsmen, especially those hunting with a buddy or in a group with mixed systems, still have fully functioning DC50 collars they would like to continue using in the field. Officially, DC50 units are considered incompatible with Alpha 100 and Alpha 200i handhelds as they...
  4. Keep Losing the Lynx Chase Game? Tips to Help Your Dog Succeed

    Keep Losing the Lynx Chase Game? Tips to Help Your Dog Succeed
    The hounds are working hard, opening, but frustrated after an hour of pursuit. The track looked fresh, the boys sounded like they got it jumped. The Garmin Alpha is a hot mess of circles, but the hounds aren't showing (or finding) the adversary treed. The chase goes on for a while longer until I lose patience and walk in only...

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