At some point or another everyone here has gotten back to the truck or through the woods and said “where is my …?” I am sure others have been in that same spot where hours where you should be hunting have been devoted to finding whatever you lost in the woods. It is not a fun experience and can most definitely lead to a less enjoyable experience and possibly cost you quite a few dollars. So here is a list of the top 5 things you have probably lost in the woods.
1. Garmin
At the top of the list of course is the tracking device. Whether you have an Alpha, Astro or any other brand tracking device, at some point this has been left by a tree or in the brush. While this can be made less likely with linking your alpha to another in order to track it, it is still going to happen. More times than I can count there has been that “oh no” moment thinking about where that device may be. Most of the time in my case that hiding spot is on top of my dog box where I have totally forgotten that I set it down to load the hounds back in the truck. But sometimes it gets more complicated than that. If your device has this capability I strongly recommend pairing it with another device to track it.
2. Cell Phones
Second on the list is of course the cell phone. From personal experience and one destroyed phone this year this is a common issue at least for myself. Many people are guilty of being on our phones much more than necessary and houndsmen are no exception. Whether it is taking a video of the dogs working or talking to a buddy on the phone. Lots of times it will be during a lull in the hunt then when it kicks off again we drop our phones and forget all about it. This season I left a phone on the roof of my truck in a rush to beat the dogs to the crossing and ultimately found my phone 3 hours later shattered on the roadside. When you are going in the woods, especially alone, make sure someone has your location services on.
3. Your Gun
The third most often left item is your gun. Whatever game you pursue there is always a time where you need to drop what’s in your hands in order to help your hounds. Maybe you take an animal and you are not able to take all your gear out. There is always one tree that you swear you will remember because your gun is leaning against it. Then you walk back into the woods and every tree is the same. My suggestion when it comes to keeping up with leaving stuff in the woods is to drop a waypoint on the Garmin so you know exactly where to go back to.
4. Belt Clips
Belt clips can either be your best friend or worst enemy. Whether your Garmin, phone or any other accessories clip onto one they can leave you without those items. Houndsmen go through all different types of terrain and much of that can be thick and will snag your clothing. Majority of the time I wear a pager on my belt for the fire department. On several occasions I have gone part of the day and realized there was nothing on my belt. Without fail now I ensure that all items are off my belt before going into the woods.
5. Yourself
Last on this list is without a doubt yourself. No matter how much aggravating it is to lose an item in the woods, it is worse being lost in the woods. The most important thing to think about is remembering how you came in and what turns you made. Another thing that helps keep your orientation is understanding how to use your maps. Understanding the maps and doing things like marking the truck and making sure to not get too deep in areas you do not know. If all technology fails, my father always taught me to find a creek and follow the down-creek flow.
Overall many of these mishaps can be avoided a majority of the time. Slowing down and making sure you have everything will prevent leaving an area without all your things. Create a little checklist in your head to check your pockets and your gear bag before leaving every spot. Also take advantage of the technology we have available. Your tracking devices can be used for so much more than just keeping track of your hounds. Take the time and look through the tips and tricks that could make your life much more simple.